Together Canada relies on funding and donations from committed individuals and congregations who believe in the vision of walking together for greater impact.
We are looking for monthly partners, one-time donations, and also for churches to make us part of their yearly budget.
There are several giving options:
1. Call the One Way Ministries office at 613-225-0210 to arrange an immediate donation via your credit card or to set up a monthly contribution by automatic withdrawal.
2. To donate online, click this Donor Perfect link. It will bring you to the One Way Ministries page, where you can specify “Together Canada”. You make the selection of where to apply the gift under “Apply your donation…”. You can also leave a message with more information.
3. Cheques should be made out to “One Way Ministries.” Please make a separate note specifying that it is for “Together Canada”.
Mail to 89 Auriga Dr., Ottawa, Ontario, K2E 7Z2.
Tax receipts will be issued at the end of the year.
Thank you for your faithful support of this ministry!